Other Names: Ruin, Hollow God of Hungers, Edgelord
Other acceptable pronouns: xe/xem/xyr & he/him/his
Age: undefined
Gender: Aniexe Deusgender
Orientation: Apothisexual/Aromantic
System terms: godshard. physical & spiritual protector. Eraser. Warden. Swordsperson for the body’s partner, both physical and spiritual. Caretaker and Interpreter for Roach. Intrutive. quoigod. scealtama. source positive. instigator. intimidator. visocuer. ouroboros. parotraumagenic. soma fluid. warrior. willomate. semi-verbal.
Picrews: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Playlists: mine, druid
Other Links: Tumblr
multiversal god of hunger, the one who consumes the universe at the end of its life and all within it, deification & personification of entropy. I originally started out as dmitri’s first median split, made myself into my own thing then inserted myself into its writing & spirituality lmao. Now part of the same canon the rest of the gateway fuckers come from. alucard from hellsing is a synpath of mine.